Download the Northern Third Ward Implementation Plan

NTW Plan Cover

The Northern Third Ward Neighborhood Implementation Project identifies critical issues in our neighborhood. Through resident and stakeholder participation, the Project's plan formulates strategies and specific action steps that will lead to the successful development and enhancement of our community. Recently, the Northern Third Ward Neighborhood Implementation Project was funded by The Wells Fargo Foundation, to implement community improvements over five years in the areas of: neighborhood building, education, economic development and workforce, housing, and services for children, youth, and families.

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Jason Hyman

Jason Hyman is the Broker, principal planner and owner of Realinc’s Office of Jason T. Hyman. His vision guides the office in its mission to bridge the generational wealth gap through real estate, one relationship at a time. He is involved in relationship building within the office and among stakeholders, deal structuring and sourcing, responsible development and investment opportunities in Houston.

Download the Third Ward Education Handbook to learn more about area schools and programs