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Food Influencer Teams Up With Real Estate Firm to Tackle Food Insecurity in Houston’s ThirdWard
The Do The Things That Matter (DT3M) campaign kicked off Fall with the launch of its Food for Thought Series aimed at bringing access to fresh foods in food desert communities by bridging real estate development, small businesses and great food together. The campaign, which is a tool to build a community of like-minded developers and investors, creates spaces and experiences that allow residents to take an active role in designing the community where they can live, work and play.
The Houston Community Land Trust Celebrates 100 homes
The Houston Community Land Trust recently celebrated closing on their 100th home, demonstrating that there is more than one path to home ownership. Read about our time at the celebration and how the HCLT is making Houston more affordable, one house at a time.
Why Community Land Trusts are a Solution to Homeownership
Race and affordability touch at the heart of the housing crisis in Houston. The Fair Housing Act protects buyers and renters from seller or landlord discrimination. In recognition of fair housing month, it’s worth exploring community land trusts.
How is the Houston housing market being impacted by policy and what can we do to manage the demand for solutions?
There has been an influx of private dollars pushed into the real estate market by proximity to economic opportunity, tax incentives like opportunity zones and 1031 exchanges, and a shortage of housing inventory. While there are many positive outcomes from this investment, if left unmanaged it could result in massive displacement, a disconnect from cultural ties, and unsustainable development practices.
Third Ward organization empowers residents to reclaim property through community led design anchored by Emancipation Park
The organization recently welcomed residents on site at their most recent activation for a development known as Project Griffin, located at 3302 Emancipation Street. Attendees were able to experience a mural design exhibition sponsored by Sherwin- Williams, an interactive design generator, a developer’s roundtable and go on a bike ride around Emancipation Park.
4 Ways you can practice building generational wealth in real estate
Building generational wealth is no easy task. You often have to make tough decisions concerning earning income or highest and best in regards to properties that haven't had any succession or estate planning done. Nowadays there are ways to make your job easier while not selling out the hood. There are plenty of outlets to build generational wealth by keeping land in your immediate networks and communities.
3 things to prepare yourself to get a preapproval for a mortgage
Undoubtedly one of the hardest tasks in purchasing a property, especially the first time, is getting your financial profile strong enough to be able to qualify for a mortgage. Getting that mortgage preapproval letter is key to being able to get out in the market and make strong offers. Hopefully you've found this resource before you've started your journey. In this video we dive into 3 things to prepare yourself to get preapproved for a mortgage.
How much to save for down payment on a house?
If you're looking to buy a home then you've undoubtedly been thinking about how much to save for a down payment on a house. Even if you are eligible for down payment assistance there are still other costs involved. Either way you'll want to have a minimum amount set aside for a down payment a house. Besides being able to get lender approval for a loan, the more you have saved the better negotiating position you'll be in.
What is a mortgage escrow account?
If you didn't put more than 20% down on your home you likely had to escrow your taxes and insurance to make your lender happy. Every year your lender will review your escrow account that was established when you closed on your home or property. If needed they'll send you a bill every year to cover any amount paid on your behalf. Even though we cant stop taxes and insurance costs from going and up and down, we can manage how it affects our lives. Hopefully these escrow account tips help put you in a power position.
How much should I save to get my Texas real estate license?
If you're adding up costs to make a decision that's a good thing. It means you know whatever you choose to do is going to cost you time and money, and you're evaluating your resources. The list of what ifs can go on and on, but exactly how much do you need to get your Texas real estate license. If you do the things that matter you can have your investment back and a return within 90 days.